Baby Olympics 2023

The baby olympics 2023 is an annual event for infants and toddlers. Ishine infants and toddlers kertanegara hosted it on september 25, 2023, as it was the end of term 1. The participation and enthusiasm of both parents and children touched our hearts from the very start.

The event began with a lively zumba session led by class teachers, with parents, caregivers, and children dancing along to the music.

On this special day, various sports activities were organized for the enjoyment of both children and parents, including basketball, soccer, golf, bowling, and ball scooping games in different areas. Children were excited to choose their preferred activities during this special occasion.

This event served as an opportunity for parents and children to bond. Each game not only promoted camaraderie but also enhanced their physical development. It provided a chance to explore various sports, develop social skills, and boost confidence.



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